
是次比賽由BUN KEE (INTERNATIONAL) CO LTD獨家贊助獎杯及抽獎禮物,並分別送高爾夫球及高球傘給會員,設有主題賽事「PSP CUP」,合共十六個獎項;此外,SeAH Steel Corporation更特別送出由韓國運抵的精美紀念品給各位參賽者。





(兩天) 總桿 冠軍 1名 Philip Wan
(兩天) 淨桿 冠軍 1名 Sherman Ng
亞軍 1名 Edwin Chan
季軍 1名 Leung Kam Shu
 淨桿 (16-11) 冠軍 1名 Wong Chi Ming
亞軍 1名 Fong Yau Hang
季軍 1名 Simon Tsang H.T.
淨桿 (17-11) 冠軍 1名 Wilson Yau
亞軍 1名 Tony Ip
季軍 1名 Ho Shek Kei
最遠發球獎 峰景(A9) 1名 Howard Lee
最遠發球獎 荔湖(C3) 1名 Edwin Chan
最近旗桿獎 峰景(A3, B16) 2名 Ken Poon Tommy Wu
最近旗桿獎 荔湖(A8, C16) 2名 Stanley Wu Ching Hoi Kan


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~~~~ previous notice ~~~~ 


Date : 3 Oct 2007


Dear all members,

I am pleased to inform you that our 10th FSICA Golf Competition (PSP CUP) solely sponsored by Bun Kee (International) Company will be held on 16-17 November, 2007 with details as follows:-

Date : 16 & 17 November, 2007

Golf Course : 16 November 2007 Dongguan Hillview Golf Club (東莞峰景高爾夫球會)

17 November 2007 Sino Golf Club (增城荔湖高爾夫球會)

Time : Bus pick up at Huanggang (皇崗) on 16 November 2007 at 8:30am


1) 16&17 November, 2007 (2 days) golfer price includes green fee, caddy and golf cart shared by 2 golfers, locker, transportation to and from Huanggang (皇崗), dinner, breakfast, lunches and hotel based on your choice of single or sharing.

2) 16 November 2007 (1 day) golfer includes green fee, caddy and golf cart shared by 2 golfers, locker, transportation to golf course and lunch and dinner

3) 17 November 2007 (1 day) golfer includes green fee, caddy and golf cart shared by 2 golfers, locker, transportation to Huanggang (皇崗) and lunch.

4) For those who choose do not require hotel accommodation, breakfast is not included.

5) Detail of transportation pick up will be announced later.

Competition Format: Stableford

Should you be interested in joining, please complete the attached Form and fax it to FSICA at fax no.: 2191-7853 before 5 November 2007 (Monday). As the number of participants is limited, acceptance will be based on first come first served basis. Full payment should be made payable to “香港註冊消防工程公司商會有限公司” and you are required to confirm your participation.


Yours faithfully,

Ken Poon
Chairman of Recreation Committee