Due to the response from our members who said that going to Hainan Island to play golf is too far from Hong Kong, we have made the following re-arrangement:

Date            : 14 & 15 May, 2004

Golf Course     :

14 May, 2004 – 三 水 溫 泉 高 爾 夫 球 會

15 May, 2004 – 清 遠 獅 子 湖 高 爾 夫 球 會

Accommodation   : 清 遠 華 冠 酒 店

Time            :

Bus pick up at 皇 崗 in the morning on 14th May, 2004

and return to Hong Kong in the evening on 15th May, 2004.

Futher details to be advised later.


1) Golfer price includes green fee, golf cart at 獅 子 湖 高 爾 夫 球 會 only, caddy, locker, transportation to & from 深圳皇崗口岸, breakfast on 15-05-2004, lunch, dinner and hotel based on double occupancy.

2) Exclusions: Caddy Tips and Personal Spending.

Competition Format: New New Peoria

Should you be interested in joining, please complete the attached Form and fax it to FSICA at fax no.: 2191-7853 before 28th April, 2004. As the number of participants is limited, acceptance will be based on a first come first served basis. Full payment should be made payable to 香港註冊消防工程公司商會有限公司 and you are required to confirm your participation.


Yours faithfully,

Ken Poon
Chairman of Recreation Committee