Annual General Meeting Agm 2021
Annual Report 2021 ( 2.4 MiB )


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Annual General Meeting Agm 2021

Annual General Meeting Agm 2021

Annual General Meeting Agm 2021

Annual General Meeting Agm 2021

Annual General Meeting Agm 2021

Annual General Meeting Agm 2021


~~~~ previous notice ~~~~ 


Thank you for your kind support given to the Association over the past year.  I represent the Council (2020-2022) to notify the forthcoming Annual General Meeting (AGM) which will be held at
FSICA office, Rm 1801, 18/F., Tung Wai Commercial Building, 109-111 Gloucester Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
on Tuesday, 10th August 2021 at 16:30pm.

Agenda of the Annual General Meeting 2021:

  1. To read the minutes of the last AGM.
  2. To receive the reports of the Council
  3. To receive and consider the auditors’ report
  4. To appoint auditors for the Financial Year 2021
  5. Any other Business


To facilitate our preparation for the AGM, grateful if you would complete the reply slip and return to the Hon. Secretary. If you are not available to attend the AGM, please nominate the Administrator of the Association to represent you or any person on your behalf to vote at the AGM by filling the enclosed proxy form and return it to the Hon. Secretary by fax 21917853 or email to before 2 Aug 2021.

Thank you for your kind attention.


Best Regards

H.T. Tsang
Hon. Secretary




惡劣天氣安排: 八號颱風或黑色暴雨警告訊號於當天下午2時除下除下 AGM 便如期舉行,訊號在下午3時除下便延至5時舉行 。 敬請各位會員留意。