
Build4Asia 2016 已於5月6日完滿結束,吸引了9,494位來自亞洲地區的建築、電氣工程及安保業等買家蒞臨參觀;其中包括政府部門及私人機構的高質買家,涵蓋了金融、零售、教育及建築管理等專業。同場舉行的多個論壇及活動亦座無虛席,場面熱鬧,香港環境局局長黃錦星太平紳士亦到場支持,表示Build4Asia成功推廣建築工程業創新科技,並協助拓展商機,展望綠色未來。

Build4Asia 2016 had concluded on 6 May with 9,494 visiting buyers of the Building, Electrical Engineering and Security industries, and brought over high quality professionals from government departments and private sectors in finance, retail, education and property management from the Asia-Pacific region. With packed out conference events and a bustling exhibition floor, the showcase was well supported by our Guest of Honour – Mr Wong Kam Sing, JP, Secretary for the Environment, as the successful event to promote building products and business opportunities for an environmental responsive community in future.


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