第十屆週年大會已於今年十月三日假座於尖東日航酒店舉行。 由於每屆理事會任期為兩年, 所以當晚並沒有選舉活動, 第十屆理事會委員繼續為會員及同業爭取更多福利及為消防工程界作出貢獻。 是晚出席的會員及同業多達120人, 各會員及同業籍著這機會互相交流, 場面非常熱鬧。
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Minutes of the 10th Annual General Meeting of
The Association of Registered Fire Service Installation Contractors of Hong Kong Ltd.
Venue : Nikko Hotel – 2/F., Grand Ballroom, 72 Mody Road, Tsimshatsui East, Kowloon
Date : 3rd October, 2003
1. Chairman’s Report
The Chairman gave his report to the members on the results of all activities of the Association for the year 2002/2003. A copy of which is attached.
2. Report and Accounts
The statement of Accounts for the year ended on 31st December, 2002 and Auditor’s Report were discussed. Mr. Peter Lam proposed that the audited accounts be approval and seconded by Mr. Wicky Lo. It was passed unanimously in the meeting.
3. Appointment of Auditor
Mr. Peter Lam proposed and Mr. Michael Lam seconded that Messrs. Tony Kwok Tung Ng & Co. be re-appointed to be auditor for the year 2003-2004. It was passwd unanimously in the meeting.
4. Election of the 10th Board of Directors
The council period of the 10th council would be expired in the year 2004, the voting for the new council would be held in next year.
Prepared by
Raymond Tsui
for Hon.Secretary
~~~~ previous notice ~~~~
致各會員 :
Dear Members,
I represent the 10th Council (year 2002-2004) and would like to notify you of the forthcoming AGM which is to be held and thank you for the support which you have given to the Association over the past twelve months.
The 10th AGM will be held on 3rd October, 2003 ( Friday), in the Grand Ballroom on the 2/F of the Hotel Nikko, 72 Mody Road, Tsimshatsui East, Kowloon.
Enclosed please find an Agenda of AGM., the AGM this year is scheduled to start on time at 6:00 p.m.
I sincerely invite you all to be present at the meeting and thank you for your kind attention.
The Association of Registered Fire Service Installation Contractors of Hong Kong Ltd.
Lee Wing Shing