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~~~~ previous notice ~~~~ 




Please be informed that FSICA Annual General Meeting and Dinner 2016 would be held on 18 Aug 2016 at Royal Plaza Hotel


Annual General Meeting 2016 and Dinner

Date : 18 Aug 2016 (Thur)
Time: 18:00pm – 19:30pm    AGM
20:00pm – 22:00pm    Dinner (Western Buffet)
Venue: Royal Plaza Hotel 帝京酒店
193 Edward Princes Road West, Mongkok, Kowloon


Please kindly complete the reply slip and return to FSICA by fax 21917853 or email to 20 July 2016.

For the election of new Council for new term, all the ballot form must be submitted to the Administration Office by Fax 2191 7853 or email to not later than 10 August 2016.  A ballot form and a list of members eligible for election are attached for your ease of reference.   If you are not available to attend the AGM, please nominate the Administrator of the Association to represent you or any person on your behalf to vote at the AGM by filling the enclosed proxy form and return it to FSICA Office.

Thank you for your kind attention and look forward to seeing you soon.


HT Tsang
Hon. Secretary


Reply Slip for AGM & Annual Dinner 2016
Reply Slip for AGM & Annual Dinner 2016
500.1 KiB


Proxy Form

Fsica Annual General Meeting 2016 And Annual Dinner 2016


Ballot Form