On 8th August 2003, the Association welcomed over 20 friends coming from Shanghai. Our friends are the senior managers of 13 major fire installation contractors, fire product manufacturers and Mr. YAO Jan-men of Shanghai Fire Journal ( http://www.fire.sh.cn ), which is an official journal run by Shanghai Fire Bureau from Shanghai. The team was led by Mr. HU Ya-ming, Deputy Chief of Fire Prevention Department of Shanghai Fire Bureau came to visit our Association to understand the setup and the operations of the Association.
Our chairman- Peter LAM, vice chairman – Wicky LO, council members – Michael LAM, Francis TANG and Raymond TSUI met with the Shanghai delegates at the office of the Association in Wanchai.
Chairman Lam gave a presentation to our friends from Shanghai about the overview of the fire industry in Hong Kong and its development since the 1960s.
(Pictures: Chairman Lam is presenting the history and development of the Hong Kong fire industry)
Meeting our friends from Shanghai
Some of our members might find the faces of their friends in the following pictures!
See you in Shanghai
Chairman Lam received warm hospitality in Shanghai when he went to Shanghai to visit the 5th Shanghai Fire Product Exhibition held in Shanghai from 2nd to 5th September 2003.
The Association has now been invited to visit our good friends in Shanghai by the team leader Mr. HU Ya-ming of Shanghai Fire Bureau. Members shall soon receive information about the Shanghai visit.
二零零三年八月八日, 本商會熱烈歡迎一班來自上海的二十多位朋友,他們是來自13間主要的消防裝置承辦商和防火產品製造商的高級管理人員, 隨團尚有上海消防雜誌社姚建文主任 ─ 上海消防雜誌社是上海市消防局負責發行的官方刊物。上海市消防局防火監督部副部長胡亞明先生率領訪問團蒞臨本商會參觀為了解本會的立成過程及運作形式。
主席林煦基先生, 副主席羅偉強先生, 理事林文光先生, 鄧文輝先生, 崔誌業先生於香港灣仔本商會辦事處接待上海訪問團代表。
(相片: 主席林煦基先生講述香港消防行業的歷史及發展)
在以下相片中, 你或會找到你的朋友!
(相片: 你有否找到你的朋友)
本會將到上海市訪問上海市消防局及拜訪各上海同業, 各會員將會收到參加上海之行的最新消息。
Pictures: You may find the faces of your friends
Chairman LAM and Mr. HU of Shanghai Fire Bureau
Chairman LAM meeting our friends in Shanghai
Photo Album
Chairman Lam is presenting the history and development of the Hong Kong fire industry
相片: 主席林煦基先生講述香港消防行業的歷史及發展