
organized by the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) Fire Divison
Co-organized by the Association of Registered Fire Service
Installation contractors of Hong Kong Ltd (FSICA)


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~~~~ previous notice ~~~~ 


Date, Time and Venue
Date : 5, 7, 12 & 14 July 2011(Tue & Thur)
Time : 7:00 pm – 9:30 pm
Venue : Function Room, 1/F HKPC Building, 78 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong, Kowloon

Porgramme Highlight
The training course will introduce to young engineers the practical design of common fire services systems including automatic sprinkler system, street and fire hydrant systems and automatic fire alarm and detection system. Step-by-step design procedures will be demonstrated by case studies. Common design mistakes will be discussed. The relevant testing and commissioning procedures are also included. Advanced topics for experienced engineers on the design of long-throw sprinkler system, water mist fire protection system and gaseous fire suppression system will be demonstrated by case studies in this course. Their corresponding testing and commissioning procedures are also included. All lectures will be delivered by experienced consultants, contractors and specialists. Successful statutory submission is important to all building projects. We are delighted to have lectures delivered by the officers from Fire Services Department regarding the general building plan submission and the fire engineering report submission from fire safety perspective which is particularly important to fire engineers.






5 July 2011 (Tue)

Design of automatic sprinkler systems


7 July 2011 (Thu)

Design of AFA system and fire hydrant system


12 July 2011 (Tue)

Design of water mist and gaseous fire suppression system


14 July 2011 (Thu)

General building plans and fire engineering report submission ??from fire safety perspective


Speakers :
Experienced senior fire consultants, contractors, specialist and officers from Fire Services Department

Language :
Cantonese with English Terminology

Registration fee :
HK$1,200 (4 lectures); HK$400 (each lecture)

CPD certificate :
The Training course is recommended for 2 CPD hours for each lesson.

Deadline :
20 June 2011

Registration & Enquires
Enrolment will be accepted on a first-come-first served basis as seats are limited. To enrol, please complete the attached registration form and fax (3747 3367) or email ( for reservation, then send the registration form together with enrolment fee to c/o FSICA, Rm 1801, 18/F., Tung Wai Commercial Building, 109-111 Gloucester Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong. For Enquiry: Ms Ling Ho (FSICA) Tel. 2390 6368.