

在二零零三年十月二十四日的會議, 張林生副局長及其組員表示貴局承諾會積極鼓勵上海消防同業去革新及運作自已的商會, 藉此把消防行業帶領至一個嶄新和重要的階段。



副主席羅偉強先生表示現階段上海消防同業將面對的事情, 本商會在多年前亦遇到並從中吸取了一些經驗, 他和一班委員十分樂意與上海同業分享經驗。

於二零零三年十月二十四日晚上, 本商會設宴邀請二十多位曾經訪問本會的上海消防同業。理事潘正棠先生和林文光先生表示當日晚宴是這次行程中最艱辛的活動,他們形容在過去六個月飲酒的份量也比不上當晚飲的份量。

The Chairman, Vice Chairman of the Association, Council member Mr. Tom Poon and Michael Lam visited the Shanghai Fire Bureau on 24 Oct 2003.

Mr. Peter Lam, the Chairman of the Association introduced the structure and the operations of the Association to Mr. Zhang Lin-sheng, Deputy Chief of the Bureau and his team Mr. Hu Ya-ming, Mr Lee Gon and Mr. Yeu.

During the meeting, Mr. Zhang of the Bureau and his team expressed the great commitments of the Bureau to lead Shanghai fire industry to a new and important milestone by encouraging the industry to run and reform its own associations.

Mr. Lam expressed that during this visit the Association received helpful comments from Mr. Zhang of Shanghai Fire Bureau. He believed that the Association and the Shanghai fire industry would work together for continuous improvement through the channel established during this visit.

Mr. Wicky Lo, the Vice Chairman commented that the Association would like to share the experience that the Association gained some years ago at a stage that Shanghai fire industry is to be facing with its peers in Shanghai.

On 24 Oct 2003 evening, the Association hosed a dinner, over 20 fire industry peers of Shanghai, who visited the Association in August, joined the dinner. Council members Tom Poon and Michael Lam added that the dinner was probably the most difficult part of the visit as they took more alcoholic drinks than that they had ever done in past six months.


Hong Kong Shanghai A Communication Channel Established
照片一: 副主席羅偉強先生(左一)、主席林煦基先生(左二)及理事林文光先生(左三)出席上海市消防局的會議。
Picture 1 Vice Chairman Lo (left), Chairman Lam (second left) and Council member Michael Lam (3rd left) at the meeting in Shanghai

Hong Kong Shanghai A Communication Channel Established
照片二: 主席林煦基先生介紹本商會的架構組織和運作模式。圖為胡亞明先生(左一)、張林生副局長(左二)、上海市消防協會秘書長郁昌佑先生(左三)
Picture 2 Chairman Lam was introducing the structure of the Association. Mr. Hu ya-ming (left on top), Mr. Zhang (second left on top) Mr. Yu Chang-you of Shanghai Fire Protection Association (3rd left on top)

Hong Kong Shanghai A Communication Channel Established
Picture 3 Deputy Chief Zhang (left on top) expressed welcome to Chairman Lam and the team from the Association

Hong Kong Shanghai A Communication Channel Established
照片四: 圖為張林生副局長和主席林煦基先生合照。
Picture 4 Deputy Chief Zhang and Chairman Lam at lunch hosted by Shanghai Fire Bureau

Hong Kong Shanghai A Communication Channel Established
照片五: 理事潘正棠先生於晚宴的情境。
Picture 5 Council Member Tom Poon at the dinner hosted by the Association


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