
More than 120 participants have attended this workshop.  Although there are still many questions being left behind for settlement, the forum really served to provide the platform for FSD and the industry to exchange their opinions, views and for experience sharing.



~~~~ previous notice ~~~~ 


You may recall that Hong Kong Fire Services Department (FSD) is conducting a study on the feasibility of implementing a Third Party Fire Safety Certification by introducing a Registered Fire Engineer (RFE) Scheme in Hong Kong.

Having incorporated the comments/suggestions received in the first round consultation, FSD have revised the RFE Scheme and they are now launching the 2nd round of trade consultation.
Being one of the stakeholders of the industry, we get the support from the Fire Services Department for a talk to present the detail of the paper and seek for views from the participants during the talk.

We invited Mr. Leung Kwun Hong, Senior Divisional Officer of Fire Services Department as our honorable speaker to deliver the talk.


Details of the forum are listed as follows:

Date : 8 December 2011 (Thur)
Time : 2:00pm registration
2:30pm starts to 4:30pm
Venue : Hall, Kowloon Tong Fire Station,
3 Baptist University Road, Kowloon Tong, Kowloon
Language : Chinese with English visual aid
CPD certificate : The forum is recommended for 2 CPD hours, and an attendance certificate will be issued upon request.
Registration Fee : Free


For those members who are interested in attending the forum, please complete the attached registration form and fax to 21917853 or email for registration 5 Dec 2011. As the seats are limited, acceptance will be based on first comes first serves principle.