Mr. Michael Lam, our Vice Chairman, Mr. Tony Ip, our Honorable Secretary and Mr. Ken Poon, our senior council member and Chairman of Recreation Committee met the president of Ibaraki-ken Fire Protection System & Maintenance Association, Mr. KUMASAKA and his team members at the Association’s office on 31 July 2009.

於2009年7月31日專程從日本遠道而來的【茨城県消防設備協会】熊坂光明会長及各位理事探訪本會及致送  貴會副會長平堅次的得獎作品「帆引爽快」乙幅及  貴會30週年紀念品予本會,隆情厚意,實在非常感激。


Ibaraki-ken Fire Protection System & Maintenance Association
Mr. KUMASAKA Mitsuaki President
Mr. SUZUKI Mitsugi Deputy President
Mr. OHORI Yasuyuki Director
Mr. TOKURA Masayoshi Director
Mr. SEYA Toshio Director
Mr. MATSUMOTO Nobuo Director
Ms. IIDA Hisako Observer
Mr. HAKUTA Kiyoshi Active Fire-Services Man of Tuchiura City