Professional Lecture Series in Fire Safety Engineering jointly organized by HKIE, IFE, CIBSE – HK Branch, ASHRAE – HK Chapter, BSOMES, HK PolyU and City U of H.K. were held from 26 August 2004 to 11 November 2004, which were delivered by experienced professionals in the fire engineering and building services industry, universities and government officials. The objective of the Lecture Series is to provide the participants with a comprehensive review and an in-depth insight on both theories and practical knowledge in fire safety engineering, related statutory requirements, safety action plan, and to keep the participants abreast of the updated developments in fire safety engineering.

Our chairman, Mr. Peter Lam represented the Association to deliver a talk on “Gas Flooding System”. The talk was attended with over 240 audiences.


Our Chairman Peter Lam received the souvenir presented by the organizer.
