A Solution to FSD Circular Letter No 4/2010 Sprinkler Subsidiary Stop Valves Management System
We would like to introduce to you a service which is being offered by the Association (FSICA) for the Sprinkler Subsidiary Stop Valves Management System (SSSMS).
As a result of FSD being concerned about the fire safety over the mis-operation of sprinkler subsidiary valves, they have recommended preventive measures as per the FSD Circular Letter No. 4/2010 on the Sprinkler Subsidiary Stop Valves Management System, FSICA also had the same concern and therefore formed a special taskforce to look into the details of all operational aspects and then developed an operating system to cope with this important fire safety issue known as the FSICA SSSVMS.
消防處為防止花灑分層閘掣遭受干擾或不慎關上,於 2010 年 9 月發出消防處通函第 4/2010 號,強烈建議採用「花灑分層閘掣管理系統」(SSSVMS)。
事源於過往香港曾發生多宗嚴重致命火警,均與花灑分層閘掣遭受干擾有關。消防處 特此與消防商會(FSICA)經多個月的共同商討及研究,確立了一套:除由消防裝置承 辦商安裝繫穩裝置外,並要求物業管理公司作出相應措施的管理系統。