It is my great pleasure, as Chairman of the Training Committee of FSICA, to report to every dear member and the industry about the Technical Forum on the Maintenance of Fire Services Emergency Generator which was successfully carried out on 13th March 2003.

Its success was, in fact, a promising result which originated from the contributions made by many council members; and most important of all, your enthusiastic support and participation. Needless to say, our honorable speaker, Mr. Michael Leung and our guest speaker, Mr. Raymond Tsui, with their concrete and vivid presentations helped to make the event an attractive benchmark.

FSICA represents more than 70 members from the fire industry and apart from promoting the growth and status of the industry, it bears the mission of upgrading the professionalism amongst its counterparts. We believe that throughout the provision of appropriate training courses, forums, and seminars, all members will keep abreast of and acquire the new technical advancement and technological know-how.

The emergency generator was selected as the first topic as there was a need for fire engineers and in particular, fire maintenance personnel to familiarize their understanding on the mandatory requirements, operation, components, environmental aspects, proper maintenance procedures and precautions of this emergency life safety power source inside the premises. Besides, in the past, an emergency generator has been classified under the scope of electrical engineering works and therefore has not been the traditional work of the fire engineers. However, in recent years, it has been ‘returned to our hands’ as our maintenance obligations according to laws, and so it has become necessary for us to know more about them in all technical aspects.

Viewing through the photos, we can see that the audience has been actively involved in asking questions and enjoyed watching the video show. This gives us great encouragement and confidence in providing you with seminars in the coming future. You are also welcome to give us your comments and suggestions in exploring new topics.

Looking forward to receiving your continual support!

Thank you.

Best Regards,

Francis Tang
Chairman of the Training Committee