Build4Asia 2014 came to a successful end 9 May 2014.  The show had gathered many local visitors and regional buyers from the Southeast Asia countries. Also, it attracted delegates from China, Macau, and Korea etc. It has again marked a major milestone for the industry, with the participation of leading exhibitors from China, USA, U.K, and more, which has positioned this biennial tradeshow as one of the most anticipated international events.

Officiated by Guest of Honour Mr. Godfrey Leung King-kwok, JP, Acting Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development of HKSAR Government, and 11 distinguished guests including Ir Eddie Joe Wu Chou Kit, Council President of Macau Institution of Engineers, Ir LOK Tat-hong Howard, President of Hong Kong Electrical Contractors’ Association Ltd and Mr. Daniel Cham Ka-Hung, BBS, MH, JP, Chairman of Security and Guarding Services Industry Authority.

FSICA has a good chance to promote the history of FSICA by making people aware of our past contributions, existing services to industry and future plans for development.


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